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Home: Welcome


CAAN is dedicated to promoting the voices and expressions of the Chinese expat artists in the United States, and helping them form an effective network for opportunities and equality. Although the number of Chinese students has been increasing at an accelerated rate among international students in North America, those who practice studio / theoretical art remain relatively few and marginalized. In a milieu where the social neglection makes it hard to allocate necessary resources to these young talents, we aim to establish an artist-run organization to support the artists and their unique talents. We want to help them get more opportunities, establish communities and make more friends.


The four parts constituting our online programs are Pioneer Salon, Artists Present, Tea Party and Dialogue Column for artists. After pandemic, we started to actively curate in-person events. Our in-person programs include: Exhibition, Workshop, Studio Visit, Gifts & Merchandise. In this fashion, we aim to tackle the neglected aspects of many existing organizations and offer a quality platform to represent, expand and connect the Chinese expat artists in America in multiple formats.

In-person Programs

Studio Visit



Art Fair

CAAN Artist in focus 2023

CAAN Artists Committee selected 10 artists of the Year 2023, taking into account the artists' community activity, originality, academic value and development potential.


Over the next year, CAAN will continue to work closely with these 10 artists to highlight their work and trends; At the same time, we integrate media, exhibition and collector resources to help them in their career path in a direct and effective way.

We sincerely thank them for recognizing the development concept of CAAN and actively participating in the online and offline activities organized by CAAN. At the same time, we also extend an invitation to overseas Chinese artists to join this community of friendship and mutual assistance.

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